Herradura Anejo Tequila Review

I am torn on this Herradura Anejo Tequila review.  Herradura prices their Anejo in the moderate range; premium Anejo is routinely offered in the $100 range.  Herradura ages this Anejo an incredible 25 months in white oak barrels.  This is longer than most Anejos are aged and their patience shows in the overall quality of … Read more

1800 Anejo Tequila Review

I was eager to get my hands on this bottle of 1800 Anejo tequila to review. 1800 is such an iconic and well-known brand of tequila, that is often featured as the signature tequila in specialty margaritas.  Its well-deserved usage in premium cocktails is well deserved because of its consistent quality of production.  1800 uses … Read more